Sunday, February 27, 2011

winter wonderland

Jan 8, 2010

winter wonderland

what a winter so far. i predict at least one more snow storm in feb too. a white out on christmas eve... i think i can still hear bing crosby singin some stupid song.... about a white christmas. im chopping ice on the pond so the cows can drink. and why must they wait til its 5 deg to have a new born calf? no babies lost yet.  a slight miscalculation means im on my last bale of hay... and i need more quickly! but ill find some..these handy dandy windows i got are working well with this wood burnin stove. it feels like grampas hot you have to freakin hang your head out the window...(that tilts for ya.. the window that is..) just to suck in some fresh cold air.  at 90 feels like yoru skin is sweating and sliding off of your body...and your new leather lets not go there.
someday Ill learn how many logs NOT to put on the fire...the kitties are not frozen...  yet.

I wonder who ordered up all this cold stuff? i havent fallen yet. not yet. only one water leak, and theres a frozen cow in the ice ..that used to be the pond. ill go cut some meat off her back side tomrrow.i can cook it on my woodburnin stove. nothing too funny going on..i havne tdone anything toooooo stupid lately. but im over due. Me and sparkys still alive....and doing ok. happy new year everybody!

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