Sunday, February 27, 2011

the green mile

Sep 28, 2009

the green mile

The night is quiet, and the window by my bed is crystal clear. the moon is half, and the steel blue colored clouds stretch in rippled waves across the night sky. a pale reflection of moon light is spread around as it peeks in between the clouds, and make little silver linings on each rippled band of clouds. the wind is breezy... and blows myhair.. the trees seem to be alive with the sounds of frogs and locusts singing...

this night is like all the others. quiet. and alone. I wonder many things on nights such as these. Each day my life is alittle shorter. I stumble through week to week... seeking the answers to questions i may never solve. I realize now... that this journey is mine. And there will be no one to go with me through it. It makes me consider what the total results of my presence on earth has been thus far? If I disappeared..would the locusts or frogs know it? Would there be a space where I once existed even as big as small space between those clouds.. 

each day the sun rises... and today I saw 2 butterflies... my quest may continue and be unresolved... but it is mine all the same. So until the last day, I will keep on going. This is my journey. Living with my failures, living with what I almost had, trying to enjoy what I wind up with. This ... is my green mile....

you cant travel it as much as you can feel it. can you feel it?

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