Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oklahoma wind..

Nov 6, 2008

Oklahoma wind...

It only happens when you think things are going well.... and maybe your getting ahead. You start to think, how good things are, and how nice this Christmas will be.. and how your actually going to have some money maybe....saved!
Then... the Oklahoma wind comes. oh heck it blows here all the time, but this time it really came. No tornado, no rain, just wind. And it blows your brand new carport completely away, and it lands on the wellhouse roof...(it leaked anyway). sigh.
Okkkklahoma....(sing it with me!) Where the wind comes sweepin down the plain.... and the carports gone, and the roofs gone too, and the real storm isnt even here.... oooooo klahoma ....
Well Ill put some pics up. Notice the excitement in the expression on my face. Im just freakin thrilled. It coulda been worse though, the nice truck parked under that carport was not touched, and neither was anything else. Maybe God didnt like that color.... or the stupid mexicans didnt put the anchors where I told them to. Thats my last piece of business with eagle carports!
So im off on another quest, clean up and replace.... this time ...with concrete foundation....

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