Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sparkys Hair Dog Clone

Apr 8, 2009

Sparkys Hair Dog Clone

WEll today was the last training day, so I should be good for the year. I thought I d get me anice new log splitter, but i found out that I cannot use my tractors current hydrolic hook up.... and by the timeI put antoher one on there, Id be better off to just buy one wiht a motor on it. So...I priced them. whew. they are HIGH.
so this sparky the dog thing.... its going pretty well. I think this dog might be smarter then some people I know. I wonder if he can draw a check? hmmm. There is a problem though.... its the hair. geesh. i can comb him, and comb him, and get no hair. but if I pet him with my hand, the hair jumps on me..and tries to overtake me! its like... attack of the sparky hair... so I thought hell. I can make me a whole nother dog with the hair I pet off this one! so I did! yep. a life size sparky replica! course the hair was..well. not right. its hard to get it all to go the same way, like God did it on sparky. I wonder how many dogs He made before he got the hair to all run the same way? Anyway.... the first time "HairSparky" barked I swatted him and said no...and well. killed him! now theres just a mess of freakin hair. ruin a good vacum cleaner. surely theres something I can do with all of it..besides throw it out. Myabe i could sell it as.... BigFoot hair on ebay or soemthing...  Until then, Ill just have to get a better comb. maybe I can teach sparks to comb him self. hey he can lick his own ass. why shouldnt he be able to comb himself? At least he looks good in a red bandana.

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