Sunday, February 27, 2011

the funny stuff of life

the funny stuff of life

have you ever looked at a cloud and saw Under Dog? or... a crocodile? Or found yourself laughing alone, at ... a chicken? those stupid hens. I finally got 2 eggs in one day! I guess that little talk I had with them is paying off. But there laggers!!! So ..Im going to have to maybe eat one this winter. maybe in front of the rest of em. and tell them... that I eat laggers, but not good egg layin hens! yeah. maybe that ll do it. Ive had no coons visiting, not since they clawed up the door in frustration at not being able to get some Mck=Chicken.
and theres the kittys. they are nearly grown now, I guess they are like...teenagers. but w/o the attitude. Cats have never been my favorite thing, I think they are just aliens from antoher world that were naughty, and got banished to earth as cats. thats why they have that im better then you attitude and refuse to learn tricks like a dog. But they have been entertaining....jumping and attacking. And didyou know they can fly? well. Ill elaborate on that another time.
I wish there was more to funny stuff of life to laugh at during the day. Maybe there is, and I cant seem to notice it. hey at least the tractor has not caught on fire lately!

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