Sunday, February 27, 2011

is my hen a dyke?

Jun 11, 2008

my hen is a dyke?

Chickens... boy they are alot of work. by the time you coon proof the stupid hen house, put shavings in the floor, and straw in the next boxes, your already give out. but then you go get chicks, that are garoonteeeeed to be hens when they grow up. I got twenty, but it seems there is something amiss. One of the hens starting crowing...or trying to. At first it was funny, but then I realized, my hen is a dyke. dang it. I mean after all they garooonnteeeed it to be a egg layin hen when she grew up. But she did something...i dont know what, and now she crows like a man. She even p;inches the other girls, and I know shes lookin at them like....well like a rooster would! They are all p;retty to look at, and this month I should get my first fresh eggs. from all but one. cuz dyke chickens dont lay eggs, and if they did, i dont think Id want to eat it.
I had just accepted this little twist of dykyness fate ....when i heard another hen crow. dang it. two dyke chickens. whats next? I wonder if a dyke chicken tastes like a regular rooster ? hmmmm?

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