Sunday, February 27, 2011

Home health care..I think I need some...

sept 16, 2008

Home Health Care... I need some.

what do you do when your bad day a bad day at home? Ill have to ask some retired folks... I mean..Im already home. where do I go for relief? Im up to a challenge, well most the time...  but some days I just dont click on all 8 cylinders.
it all started this morning when I went to let the chickens out. I discovered that I left the hen house open, and wouldnt you know it, this was the night the coons decided to check to see if I was serving McChicken. I was. I lost two hens. poor girls. I told the rest of em to start workin double time, or they were next.  ok not the end of the world. So...I decided to to to town, and the main goal was to hit walmart, aned get some needed items. I of course forgot that too, and thus the cats are hungry today. I wonder what else I have forgotten? and who needs bread?
so ... I decided to move the air compressor to the new shop. and thats when I found the BIG tire on the creature (jd 4020) flat. ugh. Upon further inspection i discovered that the valve stem was bad... and so no problem . I just unscrewed it so I could replace it. That s when I found out that someone (previous owner) put prestone in the tires. Its surprisign how much can squirt out in your face and down your arms in just a nano second. you know prestone has a distinct taste. of course its highly posionous. and sticky. yes its sticky. And I had no vavle stem to replace it with. so... I decided I better use that heavy duty high jack to lift up alittle, and relieve the weight on that tractor tube. maybe I could save that. I remember once...being knocked out by the bar when I failed to push it all the way down before it "clicked". so I was careful! So I jacked it up, and the bottom of the jack went thru the first layer of rock under the carport, and sunk down into the ground out of sight. great. I dug tha tout and put a double 2/4 under that. course it broke in half. but I did relieve some pressure. so I took a shower, and now im hungry. seems someone forgot to get groceries.
I hate it when criss leaves me for about 30,000 days.... I need a sitter!
I think Ill just stay home tonight and watch tv ...wheres my chocolate chips...

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