Sunday, February 27, 2011

getting a life

Oct 21, 2008
Have you ever noticed that if your around an animal much, you tend to mimick it some? Ive learned to crow ..not too bad either..... like my rooster Elvis. He thinks its alittle obnoxious I think. But Im getting better. (get a life?) So last night I got  home late, and the hens were already I shut the door. Later in the night I wondered....what if there were a coon in there?  Id just find him and some dead hens the next morning.... and bang. So... about 6 am.... which is Elvis's wake up call time... I heard nothing. ten after..... nothing. I knew Elvis was dead.... so I took the gun and the flash light...down to the hen house. I peered thru the door. And there was that lazy Elvis... no dead hens, and no coon. Everyone was just sleepin late.
So I crowed real loud, and about gave Elvis a heart attack! He stretched his neck out and cocked his head as he looked at"what the ..."? On the way back.... I heard a voice in my head.... maybe it was the spirit of Elvis? it said.."you are the man...but...GET A LIFE!"
Some body slap me!

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