Tuesday, February 25, 2014

zombie day.

good morning invisible peeps. today was a rough start. Seems I had alittle chest pain... course it was some kind of indigestion ... I woke up in the middle of my 5 hours sleep... hurting.. felt like I had swallowed a bubble and it wouldn't burp up into little ones. that lasted about 2 hours. geesh. all I ate yesterday evening was a bacon burger, fries and a malt. chocolate of course.  Youd think my stomach would be better at this...rather then worse! I used to eat a bag of burgers... now I eat one and my stomach screams in fear. Im gonna have to have alittle talk with that little green man in there that runs things inside of you. Hes pullin the wrong levers or something. Anyway, I drove to town semi conscious. good thing my wife talked to me on the way to work, or I would've fallen asleep. !

Ive decided these automatic cars..like mine..that turns on the headlights and does it all for you... IF you have the fob in your pocket...are for zombies. cuz I was a zombie... all I did was push the button to start...(im sure the button said "zombie") and it starts. it turns the lights on...sets the temperature, and all I do is steer. course I give it some gas. and when I exit...the car that is.... it turns it all off. zombie!

so here I am after 3 hours... and 4 cups of coffee. hope im conscious today at 1 when the drug dog gets here. were gonna run it through the school today and see what interesting things happen. Had another one of those "transitional"  talks last night.... I know her back hurts a lot.

Well ive played all my energy points in criminal case. so im off to paint the town with speeding tickets.

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