Monday, March 31, 2014

coffee/potty break is one long day.

today is a nice day I think... its about 56 deg, and a high of 75. at the moment its thundering and a light shower. which is unusual for Oklahoma. Its usually either spew forth hell and brimstone tornadic weather, or its drought... but this is a gentle rain with not much wind. Wont see the log chain that's tied to the gate post blowing in the wind this morning. not yet.

My morning was interrupted by an invitation to breakfast... I didn't eat since Ive gained 8 pounds. Im feeling for the development of a blow hole on my back, but since im too fat to feel all the way around.. I cant say ones not there yet. I have not however, blown out any backs of my shirts from and outward pants maybe.

So I drank 4 cups of coffee...add that to the one I had driving to work, and presto...Ive peed 6 times since. and not little bits...but coffee can amounts. coffee just pours through me. Maybe Ive found a new way to lose weight... it has to weigh something. Ill let ya know. good thing no one reads this crap, they might be grossed out.

things are slow at work, ive stopped only one person...just a warning. wasn't going fast enough for a ticket. besides she was cute. lol. So I ate lunch, Ill spare you the details..

Im still scheming on pouring some concrete.. I want that garage/shop. things are well at home.. im excited due to a certain situation changing... wife has been very loving and kind... im genuinely surprised.

the cows are good. familys good... barn roof patched. that kid s coming in good for something. Id write more but I think I have to freakin pee again. what will it be like to be old? lets not even think of it. off to catch a traffic offense. what an exciting life! yay me!

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