Tuesday, March 4, 2014

still good ...even when its muddied up abit.

Well the roads are mostly clear today. still some signs of snow around... and you can kiss your ass goodbye if you step in a slick spot. It is currently 19 deg F. Last night was a blur... my back hurt a lot yesterday and into the night. Apparently I snored and groaned a lot last night....  and poof. It was time to get up and start again. Seems such a waste of time doesn't it? Makes you wonder why were even here ...whats the purpose? I guess to do good, enjoy the fruits of labor,... and be thankful unto God... in all things.... and pray about it all. that's my summarized version. In other words, we are biding our time until we can go home. We are like... ET... left here. But He will come back and get us. Ever see the similarities in the  movie ET and Jesus? Each came from the heavens. Each was very different and unique. Each healed people while here.. each did wondrous things while interacting with humans, each made us think...from a different perspective... each became wounded ....each came to life and got better....each went back to the heavens. interesting huh?

So it seems that life is just one long long huge ass transition. or change.  all the same to me. sometimes transitions are smooth and orderly, but mine seem to be sloppy ...not graceful, and abit chaotic. I like things in order....so I work until they are acceptable to me. I wonder if life as I see it, will ever be just right? In order. ducks in a row. I guess it is a good thing having something else to do.. another goal. it means im still alive. As long as I can be happy in the moment of it.... right now. not later after I acquire whatever im wanting done.... but right now...while Im doing it. happy every heartbeat, whether things are well...smooth ...or whether they are not. chaotic. I guess that's just the way life is. Even when we get the thing that seems to satisfy us.....we seem to somehow track it up.. muddy it up.... step in it,.... and just somehow make it not quite as satisfying. But even then I must learn to enjoy that..... if I don't, then just what is the use? Ill be like Solomon.... and be depressed to even breath oxygen. ha.

Enjoy it... even if you see it get messed up. a door ding on the new car. gray in your beard. life going by. babies are adults. change. transition. Enjoy each heartbeat of the moment... because your life is made up of heartbeats. moments. memories. make them good. focus on the good. not the mud.

on the way to work I spilled my coffee. It was warm. it was wet. I put a blanket I found in the back seat of the etruck over it and me... it happened. I enjoyed the rest of my coffee.

Be happy. lonely will end if you move. Change... transisiton. embrace it...its coming anyway. the only way to end loneliness is to make a change. Even t he most peaceful enticing things...can make you miserable...if its lonely. Trust. Trust that God has this....and step out. If you stay put... well. you know the answer to that.

have a great Tuesday oh invisible world!

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