Thursday, March 6, 2014

getting used to change!

Gm invisible world. I just know your out there. Im not sure if I wrote this before, but a week or so ago, I was pulled over. Exactly... me the traffic cop.... in my poe-leece car, was pulled over by a citizen who  promptly told me that I had a brake light out. lol. I asked them if this was a warning or am I getting a ticket.? ha. I fixed the light quick.

It rained last night... and will be warmer today. about 52 deg they say.... but there is still snow in the forecast in a few days. Weather here is always interesting at the change of seasons. march can do anything, and I remember it snowing in april...

Soon it will be time to mow the stupid yards... I hope my "renters" keep my place looking nice back home. Its pre coffee and my mind is ill make this one short and sweet. Things are good at home..and this transition seems to be getting alittle bit smoother... seems the new step daughter will be moving out sooner than I thought... when the new house is closed end of the month, She will be getting started moving.  I hope the two big dogs go too! lol.

It will be different. its amazing how my life changed so much so fast...when for 13 years it didn't change a bit. Even though I sought change... and prayed for didn't happen. I began to doubt if it was ever going to happen. I just knew deep down inside that there was an "around the corner" for me. I just couldn't see around it. But when it came...and this is what you need to remember...when it came... IT CAME! and bam.... big changes fast and furious. Im still adapting. sometimes I cant believe I have a wife! I live in Latta. I now have 2 homes. I have dogs. I have a pool. things are so different... But they are better. I wont forget how lonely it was for so long. and how I prayed... how I wished and thought and dreamed.... of a new life... with someone suitable to share it with. a partner. Im very proud to say I have one now. sometimes the old me flares up...but I get on track quick. I short out less and less.... anxiety is lower and lower. Im starting...ever so slowly to feel more my new life. Life is either on the way to change....or is changing.... always. If your life has not changed lately....get ready...its on the way.  Seek and you will find.

Im thankful. Keep praying. Smile.

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