Monday, March 17, 2014

Each heartbeat....with change.

well...things are getting back to norman... I mean normal. But I think I like norman better. this weekend was good... things were warm and loving ... and it was a nice time. It is cold..29 deg when I got to the car. But Im in short sleeves..and getting used to the cold now. its that time of year when its 80 in the day...and 29 in the mornings. I did not go to the farm now...this weekend for the 2nd week in a row now. I have to loosen up a bit there... and trust kt to keep things in order there.

Its getting closer to the time when I will be working on the yard..the pool, etc... I have projects left over from last  year to finish. that wall of stone... I must finish before its too hot.

so it is a good time again... If I just wait things out... the times of life will change. for good or for worse. for better or for poor. and all that happily ever after crap. I have been singing in the choir.. its a big church..and I am poorly qualified to sing amidst the talent I am surrounded by there. But I fill a chair and look the part anyway. The last time I was in the choir, I was so young, I peed my pants while singing. Hey its a lot of pressure for a little kid to leave the choir during church to go pee. sooo.. But I promise I wont do that again. Now if I can only remember to zip. Pam has a wonderful voice. I sure like to stand next to her in church and hear her sing. So its a good time in my life. I remember the last post... not so good. If I can just remember when things are not so good... in fact BAD.. that things do change. Each heartbeat can bring a bit of change with it. Sometimes its just hard to see around the corner... and have that kind of hope. Sometimes the corners are years...and sometimes just 5 minutes. But still ...w/o hope, it is a dark dismal place to be. funny how little hope it takes. all you need is a bit of it. it sure goes a long way with the human spirit. That's the thing that the devil must attack.... that sense of hope. People can sure believe a lot for a long time, with just alittle hope. hope...maybe produces faith. Im not sure..what do you think? I never thought about that much. maybe faith produces hope... either way... you must have both...and both go so very far.

Soon the flowers will bloom and the grass will be green, and the tornadoes will come again. I have no storm shelter at this place. ugh. I have plans..but its money. I suppose God will provide when He chooses to. I plan to pour concrete...and build a garage. I think Ill ask God to make this happen for me. Change is coming... but it seems it always does. Someday..ill live for thousands of years..w/o change. and life will be perfect. perfect harmony, perfect peace, perfect order, and everything in its rightful place. I for one will love it. crap...there is no Kleenex in this place. see what I mean? At least I have chocolate here.!

So whatever the world brings..and it is just full of bringing something all the time.. Ill let the world be the world... Ill spice it up as I can, with alittle bit of Jesus in it... and try not to growl to much... and be "mr. grumpy pants" as I was once called.... and continue doing what I can with what I have... until such time as I can leave this world, and go to my perfect order place. Let us not fret and worry, but neither let us ignore what goes on here either. Someday Ill lost my right to worship..and to free speech... someday America may fall. I hope I do not see that day. But things I know will get worse before they are better. I hope my children do not see that day either. But life will be what it is. I trust my God, and they must also trust Him.

So for now... let us rejoice! Let us smile, let us be thankful always in all things. good and bad. Let His presence in our lives overshadow all chaos. Maybe we can even find alittle bit of humor in it along the way. Life is good.... today. this heartbeat. lol. don't sneeze!!

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