Friday, March 2, 2012


Today is march... funny how the time just rolls along. I have long predicted a late march. But yesterday was 80 deg..and today promises another beautiful day. in fact, Im going to mow the yard today. I dont think Ive ever mowed in early march before...but here goes. Along wiht that comes the spring type chores, of weeding, planting, a garden prep, airing out the storm cellar... etc.  Going through the motions day after day, week after week, year after year... it is a good life, but it is still a solitary life. women are funny...they all seem to know what they want, until it is time to embrace it and be comitted to it. then... well... now lets think this over... maybe...ummm... not so much.

So whats the future hold? duteronomy (spelling) says "secret things are of the lord".. so..I will not be rebellious by whining about what they are.. Ill keep focused and enjoy today.

is anyone reading this?? or do I just write to the cyber waves.. like heat waves floating across a barren desert. doesnt matter I guess... i get it out. I do ok. I keep going. mostly. ha.  so i found that cows have gone sooooo high.... that ruth ann the bitch may be worth TWICE what she was.... dang it. I gotta get her knocked up. wonder what the neighbors bull is doing onfridays? hmmm. I could kick ass if I could only get those 17 head back....

so have a good day America. in my eyes, you are still a Christian nation, and Leave It To Beaver is not a porn movie, I can still ride my bike alone, and tapping my foot inthe bathroom alone only means I got one stuck. ONLY.

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