Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dont you just hate having to learn changes? Ok so dont click "see the new format or is it design"? if your using explorer while viewing this blog...if you do, then explorer wont work anymore, and youll have to download google chrome. Seems the road ahead is just lined with things like that...little surprises, that you have to over come and learn you can go forward.

So it has rained fact about 6 inches here. everything is under water. The grass was about a foot many places.. this includes the various weeds that have given birth..some of which may never of existed before...or at least thats how it looked...weird looking stuff. So i got bored, and put my mudboots on, and got the mower out. Yes I mowed. Yes it was wet. No i didnt get stuck. I put it in 4 wd..  and hit the high spots. the low spots were still under water. its a mess but I got it done.

i hope this works...and I can save it and pull it back up again next time i wanna blog. yes sirr reee... 4wd lawnmowers. Thats the kind you wear work gloves with when you steer... 

ok this blog is mainly an see if it works with this new browser. heres crossin my fingers.

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