Sunday, February 27, 2011

Virgins windows OMG

Aug 1, 2009

VIRGIN windows..OMG....

ok so I had this great plan...i cant seem to measure a window twice and get the same results, so I decided to have handy dandy home depot come out and give me the free estimate. ( I was just gonna get the measurements and do it myself you see) dont do that. the handy dandy man came. he had a great sales pitch. demo windows, and the little cut out versions of what your piece of crap window you now have looks like in the inside (of the frame)..and what this high tech piece of art looks like on the inside... but remember...this is not a purchase...this is an investment. right? he said so. he said alot of really catchy informative stuff. you know...the rq / ra insulatived reflective number being below 2.3 and all that stuff. very good to know... after all. its EIGHT freakin damn THOUSAND dollars of windows. (the freakin damn part was custom and therefore a slightly extra cost..but well worth it!) AND... these were not regular windows... no sir reee..

let me see the regular windows you see at the home depot store...that tilt and all that. are NOT these special windows. THESE windows were like ...first designed for famous people. being close to famous..(just undiscovered) im thinkin yeah. my windows... the guy said..the store windows would be the little league team , and THESE windows would be the world series winner team... see? THESE windows tilt and swivel... they have a life time this and that garantee...and you cant get windows made out of airplane stuff. I tried to bend the frames, you just cant do it. and the screens...they are especially distasteful to bugs. I tasted one. they suck. AND a life time warranty too... and HEY!!! he showed me how  you just takeem out of the frames.. poof. they clean them selves! thats right! self cleaning freakindamn windows. with life time shit on em. now what do you think? huh? huh? all yo do is runnum under water and putem back in..and wipem down. poof. they all cleaned up!!

oh and the best part. they are made out of VIRGIN vynyl... thats right. aint that sexy? I think that means they are beter then sex. who needs a woman? I got high protein bars, self cleanin sexed up windows, and a dog that I am sure can learn to vacumn! heck he barks at it now! thats just two paws from vacumin! so all i have to do is pay for the whole freakin damn thing...... and presto. im good to go.

i tell you what. im a freakin rocket scientist. oh!!! AND i ordered a NEW icebox... ( i found out they call em refridgerators now) AND it has that water thing in the door and all. but that s a whole nother blog...just you wait...

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