Sunday, February 27, 2011

the shower door install

Aug 23, 2009

the shower door install

well the time finally arrived.... that old door was leaking leaking.. so i did it. first i tore the old one down... it took me a bit to figure how it came off. lol. i realized it was just kinda stuck...and the trim work had pieces that fit inside of each i couldnt see the screws ... then the new item.

directions. boy. some lame drunk drew the pictues of the instruction books shower door.  you could tell which way it was opening... you wouldn t think this was important..but the directions said... be sure and install the pivot plate  here..and the strike plate there.. well. ya cant looking. so ..i figured... pivot..tha tmust be the side with hinges right? and strike..the side that the door shuts up against. ok. now. the bottom thingy. does it go this way or that way. i put it in 3 times. ..thats my usuall number of times before i figure it out. lol. now it said... before you put this in... measure from point A to  the handle on the strike plate..provided you knwowhat that is... and subtract 8/16's of an inch from that.. and..

i forgot to tell you i cant read a measuring tape. something about being too brilliant to ever learn..or some other problem... i got the simple measurements down... but just never mastered a tape measure. so. i eye balled it. im a good eye baller...

well. its up. the door shuts. i caulked the crap out of it. now. for this morning smoke test.. or rather... water test.... to see if it leaks...

so in spite of the pivot plates, shock plates, and that pesky measuring requirement.. i got th stupid thing up. I wonder if that bathroom leans alittle? cuz the door...well. its ... slanted? hey. as long as it shuts and dont leak right?

wish me luck.

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