Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Special Walk

Mar 8, 2009

A Special Walk..

Sometimes you see with eyes of your own, and sometimes.. you see with another view. And things are not as they seem after all. You walk thru the woods, and you see the awesomeness of nature.. and the beauty of the skies, the colors of the sunset. You swear  you hear the sounds of past life, playing along the creek you now walk. You speak to God but there is silence. all you hear is the wind...And you wonder what tomorrow will bring. Will you take the time to notice?
A calf runs...he feels so free and young. He feels good. He creeps closer to you, and even licks  yoru fingers. but his mother walks slow and seems to groan with every step. My own steps falter just alittle... and I feel incomplete.
How beautiful is the smile of young tragic is the sadness of great loss..There is life, and there is death. and something in between. I wonder what will be said about my in between?
I walk, and listen to the song of birds, I see with eyes that see my way. But I can see with more then eyes. I can hear with more then ears..and although this walk is sometimes like the old animal... I remember it is once ...every so often... as the run of the young calf.
 I remember a time....not so far past, when I could see with young eyes, with a young heart...And I yearn for the days of the rose colored glasses, to see what is joyful, to feel what is peaceful, and to be, for a moment in time, the last piece. Complete. 

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