Sunday, February 27, 2011



in times of uncertainty..(did I spell it right?) in times when you are nto sure of the future..and you wonder where you will wind up..? I think the whole country is close to this place. When you are confused, and bewildered about why this has happened...  I try to remember that you cannot recognize or appreciate the good tiems..when things are right and well within you and your world, if now and then, it does not come apart. Valleys are not forever. Neither are hilltops. and that is the ride we are on. Its the one thing you can count on....that things and tiems will change.

There is only one thing that doesnt change....He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

During my latest trip to calif...some interesting things happened. the well house pump went out. that was a cool. $1000 bill. and on antoher day, recieved a call from a neighbor that one of my cows was in my front yard. it wasnt mine, it was another neighbors cow. apparently my yard/flowers are more attractive to the other cows. But all in all things are good. My g/f has cancer surgery soon...and I would appreciate your prayers for her.

I am not sure about this life of mine. There was a time when I th ought it was so well planned out. I wonder how many of you thought that at this stage and age of your life, you would be where  you are at?  I guess I will delay putting new siding up on the house..for a bit. But I still have the goal of getting that new disc, so I can plant winter wheat the first of sept. its not to far
away.we shall see what direction this ride Im on goes from now til then. Im holding on, my hat pulled down low, and Ill look it in the eye.... with a few more wrinkles and gray hairs...At least the truck or tractor has not caught on fire, like it once did. lol.

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