Life On the Ranch
Current mood:
Not being the morning person, I decided this morning to ge tup early and get some things done. I planned for the garden, and mowing mainly, some weeding. I let the chickens out and drove the horse (4 wheeler) out to see why I was hearing a cow bawling so much. I found the neighbors calf on my side of that rickety old west fence, and momma on the other side. Now I got off my horse (ha) and had a talk wiht her, the little heifer, but boy was she a bitch. Eventually she wound up in my cow lot in the sick pen, and old sammy came and loaded her. So I finally got my cup of coffee in, and now im deciding on whether to jump on the mower, or go to the gym. oh the stress! I took care of the dyke chicken situation, and when the dykes decided they were real roosters, and jumped me, I shot one. Why feed the sucker? So that was that and I was down to one roo. I thought. later I heard TWO roosters crow at the same time! I mthinkiing that company i got these "pre sexed " pullets at must really suck! So the next roo decided to get all roostery on me, and poof. Terminated. so now Im down to the least dominate dyke-roo of the 3, and maybe Ill keep him. Hes a black roo, and I enjoy hearing the cockledoodledoo.
now where the hells my eggs!!??? they were supposed to start laying in june!! HELLO? its july!!! Im hanging a calendar next to a chopping block inside the hen house tonight. (ill have to learn to skin and clean one then!)
The new shop building is going up on the 8th, and I cant wait! Finally to get all that stuff out of my single car garage, and have room again. man if I get that last fence line redone, Im gonna look downright prosperous!
Surely then Ill be able to land me a woman that fits me! hmmmm. Maybe I should work on gettin a truck.... she might like that. Hope she can back a trailer.
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