Sunday, March 13, 2016

the killer bees from hell.

Well I decided to check the new hives I got two weeks ago. you see how the are adapting. Now I have had 3 hives for a year now, and they are doing just fine. Sometimes I just go out there, and watch them fly see what direction they are going. Or watch one of the girls toss something out of the hive, like a dead drone (male) or some other bug. Its quite interesting to watch them do their bee thing. So I went out to the farm, and suited up. Just for extra precaution I lit up the ol smoker, and got it puffing good. I had my pretty assistant (wife) suited up too... her job..was to keep the smoker lit and puffing.

I kinda noticed things were a tad different, when I got to the hives and the buzzing noise seem to get a bit louder. no problem.. I myself took the smoker in hand and puffed around the lids and entrances, then handed if off to pop the top off. I reminded assistant to puff the smoker. and then all kinds of bee hell flew out and it rained bees for the next hour solid. I kept feeling these little bee taps all over my suit.... and finally I couldn't see very well out of my the mutant ninja bees from ..somewhere were covering my veil.

The little stinkers managed to sting me once thru my suit, so I closed em up...they were having no bee problems...except they couldn't eat the human in the white suit...and I walked back to the shop to de-suit... but they followed me.  in fact, they followed me everywhere. heck I had to climb on a 4 wheeler and drive 1/2 a mile to evade the little suckers. On the other hand, Im told they will make a lot more honey then the more tame bees.  Now I will have to move them far far away from the house and shop, so no more innocent victims get tagged by the stupid killer bees. Im gonna paint a skull and cross bones on their homes for sure.

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