Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Get the storm cellar ready!

Good morning world...
Its been a very wet rainy gray couple of days. Im looking forward to some sunshine, and birds chirping, and working with my bees, and doing some things I love to do. Things that bring me peace. I don't get why people expect me to live a certain way, when that way doesn't bring much peace. Everyone seems to want me to work until I die... and I like work, but Id rather do the work that brings me joy. That work is on my farm in the country. My little 65 acres. I remember being so unhappy out there... because I was so lonesome. It can be a very desolate place! But when you have someone to share things with, it can be just perfect. For me anyway...But in life... there are always things that interrupt the joy and peace of country life. Like storm season.

I never had a storm cellar before.... I cant see the tornado from down there! But I have one now... Its time to clean out the cellar and have it ready to use...otherwise youll be sharing it with a black widow and have webs in your hair.

Im not sure why God allows storms to be present in the world. We don't really need them. Its just a sign of more chaos to me....But here they are, and I guess we deal with them. just like we deal with the other chaos in our lives.  We try to prepare, have a plan, and re focus on the peace. Thank you Lord for I know all peace comes ultimately from you! Maybe if we had peace all the time , we wouldn't know it was peace.... maybe we wouldn't have anything to compare it to.

Lets live this day, and talk to God on and off all day long. Keeping in touch helps me to stay focused. Lets put today in a head lock and take it down!

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