Friday, March 11, 2016

blog like a ninha. ninja!

Its spring! well nearly. close enough. I ll be getting my bee vac out soon... and hope to catch me some swarms! If yall see some, call me...and Ill come suckem up. Hopefully I have learned enough in the past year to keep them happier..and they'll stay at home. Ive learned a lot. Im goin to put in a bee bar, a waggle dance frame, and have the pollen police in case it gets really wild... Im SURE they will stay home after I catch them this year!

But the upcoming week I just took off, is not looking so promising today! MORE rain. at t his rate my bees will not make the honey I want them to! It is the weekend fast approaching, and im ready to burn some calories! I don't guess itll be from wrestling with the roto tiller in the future it is mud!  But Im sneaking up on eyeballin one of those tractor tillers! Boy wont my garden grow so much better with one of those suckers!?

Im sitting here with my remote control gas fireplace that was a sweet Christmas gift I bought her.... and listening to the rain pitter patter outside. Funny how 68 deg is colder when I can hear it rain, and the fire place just comes on...If it were sunny outside...the fire wouldn't even think about coming on, and Id be sweating outside doing some kind of honeydo thing.

My mind is on honey and bees! and rain! Surely MY bees can fly and gather stuff in the rain. After all they are ninja bees. its a little known species... they are black and have secrets. like ninjas. Like how to fly in the rain. Im counting on getting me some honey this year...and hopefully some of yall too... so this gaggle of bees...umm.. herd of bees....ok bunch of bees better do this right!

Pretty soon im gonna have this photo insertion thing down, and Im gonna move on with how to put a video in my blog...dang. Ill be famous then. be on a talk show...have pizzeria taking my picture, heck Ill probably be on a commercial or something. After I get the blog how tos done....then I can start the real blog. I can blog like a ninha too. I mean a ninja. I wonder if there are secrets of the ninha too? hmm. ok im a tad bored with the rest of this day off. probably shoulda stayed at work. whos bright idea was this.... it wasn't raining when I took off. maybe I can reach the remote......

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