Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Process.

the process. it takes a while to get your head around it. this whole thing we call life... and the process of aging. I remember when I was young,.. I used to see older people... and I thought, poor guy, he is so old. I didn't really  have the time to "do" old. and although I was polite.... I really didn't see them as that important. I knew of course that they were young once, but I never stopped to think just who were they...back when they were young. when they were my age. and now....

and now, I get that look from other  younger people. I remember that look. I am quickly dismissed. Although in my mind, I am still young... I am still strong, in their eyes, I am old. I am not so important. They don't wonder who I am, or who I was. The experiences I had, the lives I touched, the things I stood for, all.... almost as though they never happened. Almost. Once in a great while, someone from the past greets me, and talks to me about something I did or said that affected them.

Then poof. I am a grandpa. Ive heard that term for so long. for many years. Its an old man term. But I am so proud.. to actually BE one. Now I have what I consider to be my step grandson, little Noah... hes 3 years old. And he is the perfect little fella... but this time I want to talk about Little Chasen Wade. Yes I thought he should've been Chasen Andrew, but oh well. Its the end of the line for McKinzies. No more family name of Andrew. No more McKinzies. Im proud to have had two such wonderful daughters...but alas they will both someday undoubtedly be married and take a new name. So ...not even an "Andrew". sigh. oh well. But I will embrace this aging thing.... for what else can I do? I must think and feel many of the things the "oldies" of my youth, that I used to observe, thought and felt.

Then I look into my grandsons eyes.

I wonder how those "oldies" felt and thought, when they looked into their first grandsons eyes for the first time?

YOu I climbed 3 flights of stairs about 6 times. I feel very blessed to of been able to do this, as it is just a small part of what I do at work. I spent a lot of time on top of a building. More climbing. Those old AC units are so demanding I swear.  Sometimes I think my left knee will just blow up...and sometimes I think its my right one. lol. I figure Ill just bee bop along, and when something on me goes *bangboom* then it will.  I guess "they" felt that way too. and every student at that university looks at me for a split second, and disappears into themselves.... just like I did so many years ago.

I wonder what the sunset looked like tonight? I wonder what I am missing...? I want to experience everything....and not miss a thing. Im hungry to .....yeah I guess they felt that way too.

Hello Chasen....

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Battle of the Frankenstein bees: Revenge of the Monster bees.

once upon a time there was a man who decided to move 2 hives....of Frankenstein bees. These bees were undoubtedly created when lightning struck some bees in hell, and they came to life in our world, with some demented voice yelling "theyre alive...theyre alive!"

well the man had a plan...he would suit up and sneak up on the hives and close the entrances, trapping the demonic insects inside, and then strap the tops down thus securing the hives on the stand they were on. Then he would move them with the tractors front end loader and drive them to the new location. He would then remove the barriers in the entrances and place a barrier like leaves in the entrance so the bees would pause upon exiting to get their bearings. good plan.

So.. he sneaks. he forgot the to plug up the entrances. outpouring of monster bees. calmly he maintains his pose and straps the belts across each top, only after having to rethread the straps cuz he pulled them apart accidently. finally. secured. bees are tapping his suit all over like a machine gun.  yes a machine gun. did I mention Frankenstein bees? but much faster. If Frankenstein had wings Hed be very very fast. oh, and a stinger. crap. a stinger. just imagine. ok your getting there...

Its about this time that one of the little monster bees gets inside his veil and starts crawling across his face while buzzing and taunting his victim. The bee knows hes got him now... somehow , he achived the impossible! He crawled thru a bee proff veil.  Its about this time the man begins to run very fast... while trying to mash the bee in his gloved hand thru the mesh in the veil before he gets an eye permantly put out by young Frankenstein. As he does this he runs about 3 times around the house of the homeowner while they watch in horror and semi entertainment at the big picture window of the house. They may have a camera.  Then as he knocks his glasses off , and his cap , he keeps running as they bounce around inside the veil. zing! stung on the nose. The cows come running up, because they just know the howling noise this bee keeper is making means they are going to be fed. Finally he stops running. He cannot wipe his nose. or his tears. He may of peed. just saying.  Hes bent over sucking air, but is afraid to open his mouth. He may pass out. He could die. hundreds of other bees have followed him, and still pummel his "bee proof" suit.

The brave knight bee fighter returns to the hives. His noise stings. His ear stings. He is not sure what else stings. He thinks he avoided peeing his suit. He is not sure. But he wavers not. He gets on the tractor. He is saving the world dang it. He is making the plants all good. Probably saving thousands of lives by saving these poor bees that are so helpless. the tractor idea works. He moves them. millions of bees move with him.

Afterward, he retreats to the shop building, and waits til dark as the minion bees await to kill him but cannot survive the cooler darknees. Later in safety, he doctors himself.

I better get some honey out of this deal! and no....NO pictures. and there better not be a video of this anywhere!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

the killer bees from hell.

Well I decided to check the new hives I got two weeks ago. you see how the are adapting. Now I have had 3 hives for a year now, and they are doing just fine. Sometimes I just go out there, and watch them fly see what direction they are going. Or watch one of the girls toss something out of the hive, like a dead drone (male) or some other bug. Its quite interesting to watch them do their bee thing. So I went out to the farm, and suited up. Just for extra precaution I lit up the ol smoker, and got it puffing good. I had my pretty assistant (wife) suited up too... her job..was to keep the smoker lit and puffing.

I kinda noticed things were a tad different, when I got to the hives and the buzzing noise seem to get a bit louder. no problem.. I myself took the smoker in hand and puffed around the lids and entrances, then handed if off to pop the top off. I reminded assistant to puff the smoker. and then all kinds of bee hell flew out and it rained bees for the next hour solid. I kept feeling these little bee taps all over my suit.... and finally I couldn't see very well out of my the mutant ninja bees from ..somewhere were covering my veil.

The little stinkers managed to sting me once thru my suit, so I closed em up...they were having no bee problems...except they couldn't eat the human in the white suit...and I walked back to the shop to de-suit... but they followed me.  in fact, they followed me everywhere. heck I had to climb on a 4 wheeler and drive 1/2 a mile to evade the little suckers. On the other hand, Im told they will make a lot more honey then the more tame bees.  Now I will have to move them far far away from the house and shop, so no more innocent victims get tagged by the stupid killer bees. Im gonna paint a skull and cross bones on their homes for sure.

Friday, March 11, 2016

blog like a ninha. ninja!

Its spring! well nearly. close enough. I ll be getting my bee vac out soon... and hope to catch me some swarms! If yall see some, call me...and Ill come suckem up. Hopefully I have learned enough in the past year to keep them happier..and they'll stay at home. Ive learned a lot. Im goin to put in a bee bar, a waggle dance frame, and have the pollen police in case it gets really wild... Im SURE they will stay home after I catch them this year!

But the upcoming week I just took off, is not looking so promising today! MORE rain. at t his rate my bees will not make the honey I want them to! It is the weekend fast approaching, and im ready to burn some calories! I don't guess itll be from wrestling with the roto tiller in the future it is mud!  But Im sneaking up on eyeballin one of those tractor tillers! Boy wont my garden grow so much better with one of those suckers!?

Im sitting here with my remote control gas fireplace that was a sweet Christmas gift I bought her.... and listening to the rain pitter patter outside. Funny how 68 deg is colder when I can hear it rain, and the fire place just comes on...If it were sunny outside...the fire wouldn't even think about coming on, and Id be sweating outside doing some kind of honeydo thing.

My mind is on honey and bees! and rain! Surely MY bees can fly and gather stuff in the rain. After all they are ninja bees. its a little known species... they are black and have secrets. like ninjas. Like how to fly in the rain. Im counting on getting me some honey this year...and hopefully some of yall too... so this gaggle of bees...umm.. herd of bees....ok bunch of bees better do this right!

Pretty soon im gonna have this photo insertion thing down, and Im gonna move on with how to put a video in my blog...dang. Ill be famous then. be on a talk show...have pizzeria taking my picture, heck Ill probably be on a commercial or something. After I get the blog how tos done....then I can start the real blog. I can blog like a ninha too. I mean a ninja. I wonder if there are secrets of the ninha too? hmm. ok im a tad bored with the rest of this day off. probably shoulda stayed at work. whos bright idea was this.... it wasn't raining when I took off. maybe I can reach the remote......

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lets just all shutup and watch the sunset.

Ive heard a lot lately about the problems of the world, illegal immigrants, and how women should be able to kill their unborn babies if they want to... Ive heard a lot about how a lot of people think they deserve free health care and free this or that. I cant blame a person for wanting free this or that... but who can get everything for free ? I got a free t shirt once. You can wear that. As for the rest, I think you should just go get a job.

Im thinkin you can join me for a cup of coffee while we watch the sun set, and we can talk about whatever you want, as long as we respect each other. I didn't say agree with each other. I swear as long as I live, I don't understand how some people can think that its ok to wear pants around their knees, and that we should just feed the whole freaking world whether its legal or not, with the tax money received from working citizens. Sometimes I think if we were all monkeys, some of us, would want to ....well nevermind. But just because I don't understand  you , it doesn't mean I should be angry with you... or think your stupid. Your just a dumbass.  you poor slob. no okok...your just right in your world..and very wrong in mine. now this is where we take a sip of shut up. I think it was Will Rogers who said..."never miss an opportunity to...shut up".

Oh that sunset. aint it pretty.

so theres not much that I can do to save this ol world....Im thinkin its doomed anyway. But I can throw my 2 cents out there for what its worth...ahemm.... (2 cents in case you wondered) and then relax. just chill. It don't matter anyway.....I believe the world has its destiny, and Im here for a limited time.

So maybe we could all be President for a year and take say....10 vacations...with our familes... and.. no wait. wrong blog. not my circus. not my monkeys. ok for some reason Ive got monkeys on the brain here.

Some people are hurting... they are truly having a crisis, and they are hurting. The problems of this political race pale in comparison to the real problems that real people are having today. I hope real Love doesn't disappear ...I hope Im doing my part to "let my light be seen",... where IS that peaceful sunset. Is it time yet Lord?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Get the storm cellar ready!

Good morning world...
Its been a very wet rainy gray couple of days. Im looking forward to some sunshine, and birds chirping, and working with my bees, and doing some things I love to do. Things that bring me peace. I don't get why people expect me to live a certain way, when that way doesn't bring much peace. Everyone seems to want me to work until I die... and I like work, but Id rather do the work that brings me joy. That work is on my farm in the country. My little 65 acres. I remember being so unhappy out there... because I was so lonesome. It can be a very desolate place! But when you have someone to share things with, it can be just perfect. For me anyway...But in life... there are always things that interrupt the joy and peace of country life. Like storm season.

I never had a storm cellar before.... I cant see the tornado from down there! But I have one now... Its time to clean out the cellar and have it ready to use...otherwise youll be sharing it with a black widow and have webs in your hair.

Im not sure why God allows storms to be present in the world. We don't really need them. Its just a sign of more chaos to me....But here they are, and I guess we deal with them. just like we deal with the other chaos in our lives.  We try to prepare, have a plan, and re focus on the peace. Thank you Lord for I know all peace comes ultimately from you! Maybe if we had peace all the time , we wouldn't know it was peace.... maybe we wouldn't have anything to compare it to.

Lets live this day, and talk to God on and off all day long. Keeping in touch helps me to stay focused. Lets put today in a head lock and take it down!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

photos, memories, and plans for today.

Sometimes you come home and find your 25ft carport on top of your barn. Things seem to just force you to change ...ugh. I hate it when that happens. I guess Im such a creature of change. Ok ive just now discovered this "Picasso of web albums" feature on this blog site. heck Ive never seen it before and have no idea how these pics even got here. lol. wonder how I get more new ones in it? This pic is old, from back guessed it.... the old carport blew away. I remember this well... I came home from a trip, and my daughter was house watching.... and I looked out the back window and saw this. I asked..."katy... did you see anything ummm unsual out the barn? she said noo.... and looked. and still said...nooooo... whats different? UMMMM....the carport is on top of the barn??? She looked and said....ohhhh... is that new? it wasn't always like that?". I swear. Shes much smarter now.i swear it. she is.

Lots of things have happened since I left the farm. Yes I left it. Yes I did. I know its hard to believe. But I had to. I left for a time soon to return. I hope. Lots of changes...many were good. I got married! yep. for 2 years now. Ive about countrytized her and will tow her back to the farm in a year or so. Until this, this daughter that was so young when this happened has married, and now lives HERE on my farm! whod of thought? Thank God she married a country fella. and now Im a Grampa!! oh yeah. a Sexy grampa. thought I needed to throw that in there.

im not sure I have any funny stories or wisdom here... seems when I get ready to say something funny I forget it by the time I get on here. really I need to get on more often. So since Im missing my country life, ill reminisce (spelling) about it...the good stuff.... being trapped on the 8 ft ladder top step by the barn when my overalls came down around me and over the ladder... being trapped in a hay ring with a 200 lb calf stuck in the ring, and mad mama wanting to kill me, driving an old hay truck and discovering its on FIRE..., my nightly walks under the stars talking to God finding MY start... roto tilling thru the garden while the big sprinkler was on... barefooted... and the girls drove up with friends... I had a strawhat and shorts on. yeee hawww. Seeing sunsets galore, baby calves, wind blowing so hard I saw my chain fly by, wild life like deer and turkey.. theres more I am sure...but not enough room to type.! and the not so good stuff.... like. being ALONE day in and day out. My dog dying. Death in general...of my cattle, of animals. of relationships. of dreams. the WIND.....did I mention that? Wishing and just....well something inside of share this with someone special....and the weather ...just a hardness to it... Both sides of this coin are good, yet bad at the same time.

Ill have to find out more about how to get pictures onto this site so I can visually aid my stories. Lord knows they need help. I just have to find out how to get pics from my phone wehre I take them, to this computer easily. I guess Ill send them to email and then copy them here. I guess. maybe Ill investigate this icloud google thing that stores photos. IF there is a phantom reader out there that can insert some wisdom here...feel free to add !! Im floundering here! help a brother out!

ok so today, im sneaking up on a shower, as the out of town shopping with her daughter and a friend in texas... after that...(ive had my one cup of coffee) Ill  go check on kathi and pull some bushes up for her with the truck and a chain, and then ill check the weather, and if its warm enough, Ill come back, and get into my bee suit, and medicate the bee hives for mites for the spring.

yay me.