Wednesday, October 28, 2020

the year of changes.

 halloweenie! its that time of year again. but this is 2020, so of course this "trigger treat" season will be all messed up, just like the rest of the year has been. Its a big year.... a presidential election, another supreme court appointment, the pandemic, and it seems everything is a new way of life. But God, sunrises, sunsets, love, grandchildren, chocolate,... you know... all the important things... are still pretty much the same. Its important to note what is the same... since everything seems to be changing this year. We seem to actually be having a fall season... until yesterday that is, when the little ice storm hit. I call it little because it didnt really  make it to me. I was only without power 2 hours. its not a real ice storm until I have no power for at least 24 hours. 

I try not to get caught up in the earthly problems that I have no control over. I know they are happening... but I enjoy my world where I create my own problems. lol. I have a natural talent in this area. 

now for the things I learned lately.. when the power blinks, the coffeemaker defaults to 12 am. so if you make coffee to brew automatically the next morning... it will brew at midnight. so theres that. I learned that I can still piss someone off and not have a clue that I did it...Its my sensitive nature you know... I learned that stepping on the running board after  a freeze will cause you to do an "ice dance" , and that Muskcovie ducks are actually pigs with feathers. I may of mentioned this earlier.. but they are. just saying.  Im sure I learned alot more stuff.... I just cant think of it now.

I wish I had some deep thought provoking things to say, but my mind is focused on how cold my legs can get, and why isnt there more coffee... no matter what  I tell it. Its like theres a little man.. no... alittle woman! inside my brain that is actually making things happen... and its supposed to do what I say, but its taken over! I can just see her.... pulling levers... making me burp...and making me think that I may have metal knees because thats the part of my legs that seem to be coldest. I do NOT have metal knees! I have the same old tired ones....thus far. At least he/she isnt pushing the sore hip 

I should check on jenner in a bit... she actually came again... to oklahoma to look for a place to live. Im happy to be able to help...maybe the karma chart will tilt my direction when I do the "piss someone off unknowingly" trick...

life is sure different. thats ok. I asked for different. I thought the same ol same ol was gonna kill me. Now i watch sick grandkids I didnt have a few years ago.... my life is totally changed....  from work, to love, to finances, to food, to cold knees.  Now who gets cold knees??

and I get to watch new friendships born, and well... just see life change before my eyes... its really quite alot to take in.... I know it hasnt all happened in 2020, but it seems so.  

I have a new rooster... I am thinking of a name for him... I had Elvis, and Duke in the past... this guy is a mr fancy pants. what do you think of him?

Well i guess its time to end this blog. Someday Ill get my creative mojo back... but im not missing it really, as it only seems to kick in when Im  living in a crisis situation.... so for now its kinda froze up...with my knees I guess...Now Im gonna get my breakfast morning protein bar, and 2 oreo cookies with the chocolate filling. and water.  I hope if any ghost readers actually read this is having a good day, and have warm legs. and hands. and feet...and.... oh nm..

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