Right when you think you have this "live in peace and bliss" down.... it comes a downpour.
Recently I had some family, that had an "emergency". Things beyond their control, and they lived with us for a week. The week is not over... it was during this time of my display of my uncanny ability to adapt and "play it by ear" that I discovered that parents create an atmosphere of ...well.. im not sure what to call it. But Its from the Devil. Im just saying.... Now those of you that know me well, apparently better than my wife does.... know that I value privacy, and peace. My wife would live on Walton Mountain, and entertain every person or animal that came up the road. But enough of our differences.... and more of this Devil machine! So, when creating this environment to help a baby sleep, they create what they call "quiet noise". I would attempt to type how funny this concept is to me....but it is not! This quiet noise consists of what sounds like a lost radio station, and the volume is wide open.... like static. It drives me completely insane. After hearing a baby cry and cry and.....well you get it..... you might think I was not a family man.... but then when finally that cute lil granddaughter goes to sleep...the white noise from hell begins. It may be worse than the ringing in my ears! I wonder if anyone else agrees with me? Im told its a "thing" now..... I always loved opening a window and hearing nothing but coyotes, a hoot owl and some cricket noises.. a frog maybe. I once shot a midnight mocking bird (on meth Im sure) in the tree, in mid song....and told any friends that might be listening...to shut up until daylight.!
I finally (almost) finished the chicken run.... and the new chickens are settling in. and the ducks... oh the ducks.... you know the cute quack quacks that waddle so cute? Well dont get miscovie ducks. They dont quack, they dont waddle, and they love mud. They are like pigs with wings. Pigs DO fly.... they are miscovies.... They manage to get back inside the coup each night to pig out on the water and food. And I run them out daily. Now to finish one little strip of space to keep them out.... I sorely underestimated this project. It seems to be a thing....me underestimating my little jobs around here. Took me a week, a bottle of aleeve, and if Id had alcohol, i may of tried it. But its mostly done...now. Id click a pic, but I cant figure out how and when this page accesses google pics....as they all seem to be about a month old!
Its fall now. I thought it would never come, and i figured it would last about 30 minutes... but its here now. I can tell because my eyes itch and water, and sometimes I think I might remove an eyeball just to relieve it. I pour all kinds of eyedrops in them.... and take my daily pill. Again, its good I dont have alcohol....I put a "pirate " skeleton on the flag pole and I think I know why all the pirates have one eye and wear an eye patch. They spent childhood in oklahoma, and clawed an eye out, and fled to the ocean where they turned pirate. If yall remember chuck.... my skeleton, hes busy making the country folk around here shake their heads and go " that boys crazy". (good thing he dont drink) someday a pic of Chuck doing pirate duty...
Well its time to plant wheat, and looks like it happens tomrrow. small farms like mine cant justify the money to buy a drill to plant the seed, so Im paying my neighbor farmer to do that for me. Then that tree thats waited so patiently for me.... will get cut up. and I need to stretch a bit more fence and finish the painting outside on the house. then I can step back and re evaluate.
Seems the time passes faster and faster.... each day zooms by so fast....Sometimes I need help or feel like I do...just to get up out of the floor....and I say hey...im not 60 yet! But my hip doesnt say that....now another presidential election... and such unrest in almost everyone I know. Im sure glad my God is the creator of true peace.... All these things will pass, and someday I will too. I hope that before I did, my kids and grandkids will remember me as the pawpaw that loved them so much and have good memories of me. Not the ones of me hurting all the time, and becoming grumps...that sounds way too close to my dad. So for today I am grateful, because I dont know what will happen tomorrow. I especially am thankful for just a small handful of close friends, that i can talk to, vent to, laugh to, (ususally they are laughing at me), and I just love em. What would I do with no one that understands me? Heck they even read this blog.
Let us hold close the things we love and value. Let us keep the boundries we need to keep those things safe. Let us show love and reflect Christ as much as we can, and then we can say yall stick it, Im eating chocolate. DONT interupt me.....
Until the next time....happy fall yall.
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