well theres been alot of changes this year so far. A new president...that I have nothing good to say about...and lots of other things. Calf prices have stayed up for the first time since I can remember, right through the winter! Sold some the other day. They paid for a new tiller, that goes on the back of the tractor. Boy am I fancy now! im in Tall cotton!! I tilled up a new patch that Im hoping will be my new garden.
Im also putting in new duct work in the attic... so the heat is off, and a new cold front comes tonight. Itll be 29 deg in the morning. lol. oh boy. The vents are gone, and theres just holes in the ceilings where they were. Im sure what heat I can provide will go right up there. I have some propane heaters... so we shall see.
Ive been playing kc chess via a phone app, but today I received my new chess set. So Ill have to get used to seeing civil war pieces on the board. I wonder how many games Ill lose because of that?
sometimes change is good, and sometimes it just seems good. Time seems to be the only thing that will determine whether it is or not. Im going to call this my garden for the next year at least. There will be no fall garden Im thinking, unless I decide to plant some onions. I still have failed in my pursuit of a green house...and am thinking I may just have to build one, as they have decided that green houses cost as much as gold houses... whod of thunk? Ill see what i can do... Weve done a lot this first year here, Im wondering what will change the 2nd year? Im hoping for the best.
Thus far, after on week in office. the new liberal president has decided that there will not be male and female, nor will there be moms, dads, or mr, or miss, or mrs., and indeed some males that feel female or vice versa, can use whatever bathroom they think is good for them. The world is especially messed up just now. Im sure hopin God will take hold, or just come get me. And my loved ones.
well It rained a lot last night. Im about to go see the rain gauge. My old friend Allen got to come home today...so it was a good monday as far as mondays go.
Thats all the updates I can share. maybe next time God will bless me with some wisdom that I can express in a way that might make someones day, IF someone actuall read this stuff. lol.
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