Sunday, March 6, 2016

photos, memories, and plans for today.

Sometimes you come home and find your 25ft carport on top of your barn. Things seem to just force you to change ...ugh. I hate it when that happens. I guess Im such a creature of change. Ok ive just now discovered this "Picasso of web albums" feature on this blog site. heck Ive never seen it before and have no idea how these pics even got here. lol. wonder how I get more new ones in it? This pic is old, from back guessed it.... the old carport blew away. I remember this well... I came home from a trip, and my daughter was house watching.... and I looked out the back window and saw this. I asked..."katy... did you see anything ummm unsual out the barn? she said noo.... and looked. and still said...nooooo... whats different? UMMMM....the carport is on top of the barn??? She looked and said....ohhhh... is that new? it wasn't always like that?". I swear. Shes much smarter now.i swear it. she is.

Lots of things have happened since I left the farm. Yes I left it. Yes I did. I know its hard to believe. But I had to. I left for a time soon to return. I hope. Lots of changes...many were good. I got married! yep. for 2 years now. Ive about countrytized her and will tow her back to the farm in a year or so. Until this, this daughter that was so young when this happened has married, and now lives HERE on my farm! whod of thought? Thank God she married a country fella. and now Im a Grampa!! oh yeah. a Sexy grampa. thought I needed to throw that in there.

im not sure I have any funny stories or wisdom here... seems when I get ready to say something funny I forget it by the time I get on here. really I need to get on more often. So since Im missing my country life, ill reminisce (spelling) about it...the good stuff.... being trapped on the 8 ft ladder top step by the barn when my overalls came down around me and over the ladder... being trapped in a hay ring with a 200 lb calf stuck in the ring, and mad mama wanting to kill me, driving an old hay truck and discovering its on FIRE..., my nightly walks under the stars talking to God finding MY start... roto tilling thru the garden while the big sprinkler was on... barefooted... and the girls drove up with friends... I had a strawhat and shorts on. yeee hawww. Seeing sunsets galore, baby calves, wind blowing so hard I saw my chain fly by, wild life like deer and turkey.. theres more I am sure...but not enough room to type.! and the not so good stuff.... like. being ALONE day in and day out. My dog dying. Death in general...of my cattle, of animals. of relationships. of dreams. the WIND.....did I mention that? Wishing and just....well something inside of share this with someone special....and the weather ...just a hardness to it... Both sides of this coin are good, yet bad at the same time.

Ill have to find out more about how to get pictures onto this site so I can visually aid my stories. Lord knows they need help. I just have to find out how to get pics from my phone wehre I take them, to this computer easily. I guess Ill send them to email and then copy them here. I guess. maybe Ill investigate this icloud google thing that stores photos. IF there is a phantom reader out there that can insert some wisdom here...feel free to add !! Im floundering here! help a brother out!

ok so today, im sneaking up on a shower, as the out of town shopping with her daughter and a friend in texas... after that...(ive had my one cup of coffee) Ill  go check on kathi and pull some bushes up for her with the truck and a chain, and then ill check the weather, and if its warm enough, Ill come back, and get into my bee suit, and medicate the bee hives for mites for the spring.

yay me.

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