Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lets just all shutup and watch the sunset.

Ive heard a lot lately about the problems of the world, illegal immigrants, and how women should be able to kill their unborn babies if they want to... Ive heard a lot about how a lot of people think they deserve free health care and free this or that. I cant blame a person for wanting free this or that... but who can get everything for free ? I got a free t shirt once. You can wear that. As for the rest, I think you should just go get a job.

Im thinkin you can join me for a cup of coffee while we watch the sun set, and we can talk about whatever you want, as long as we respect each other. I didn't say agree with each other. I swear as long as I live, I don't understand how some people can think that its ok to wear pants around their knees, and that we should just feed the whole freaking world whether its legal or not, with the tax money received from working citizens. Sometimes I think if we were all monkeys, some of us, would want to ....well nevermind. But just because I don't understand  you , it doesn't mean I should be angry with you... or think your stupid. Your just a dumbass.  you poor slob. no okok...your just right in your world..and very wrong in mine. now this is where we take a sip of shut up. I think it was Will Rogers who said..."never miss an opportunity to...shut up".

Oh that sunset. aint it pretty.

so theres not much that I can do to save this ol world....Im thinkin its doomed anyway. But I can throw my 2 cents out there for what its worth...ahemm.... (2 cents in case you wondered) and then relax. just chill. It don't matter anyway.....I believe the world has its destiny, and Im here for a limited time.

So maybe we could all be President for a year and take say....10 vacations...with our familes... and.. no wait. wrong blog. not my circus. not my monkeys. ok for some reason Ive got monkeys on the brain here.

Some people are hurting... they are truly having a crisis, and they are hurting. The problems of this political race pale in comparison to the real problems that real people are having today. I hope real Love doesn't disappear ...I hope Im doing my part to "let my light be seen",... where IS that peaceful sunset. Is it time yet Lord?

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