Monday, May 5, 2014

trust and jobs.

hello invisible peepers. I see I remain a mystery.... good.

times have been good but very tiring and very exhausting. I tell ya...this getting older and not in a good way. I used to work all day and be able to do it the next day with no problem...but now im so sore I can hardly get my shoes tied, or my boots on. aleeve and "old people cream" are my best friends....IF I can get it on.... good thing I have a wife that will put it on me... she needs some now and then too.

weddings. ugh. My household is stressed to the max. this stepdaughter gets married soon. This month.. and her soon to be hubby quit his job... ugh. didn't like the way the boss talked to him. Seems he thinks someone is going to bail him out or something. I have no idea. but I hope he gets a soft spoken boss in the future... so he will stay at work.

anyway... times come and go. I hope the things tha tbother me now will be taken care of, and my mind set at ease. I guess I just have to =trust God that it will be.  Im getting tired of this job... myself. But Ill not quit until I find another one.

I have not much else to say. Im exhausted and tired....and the week is just starting. seems these weekends are worse than the work week. maybe I can actually rest up on the job to prep for the upcoming weekend. ha.

Let peace and harmony, rest and a revival of mind body and spirit enter within immediately! thank you LORD!                  

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