Monday, May 12, 2014

wedding suck.... so do luke warm friends....

the life in a small town cop.... 53 yrs of age....trying to stay fit.... getting all the regular things done that you need to get done. Then you get a stomach ache which turns into the removal of your appendix.... then  you come back to work...and   get a call that you need to go look for a local there is a warrant in a neighboring county, and they want him. Couldn't have a quiet day. no gotta do this while were recovering from some stupid surgery.  So then theres the go to the ol ladies house and plug up the wheelchair ...cuz shes stranded in her wheely deely chair with a dead the middle of her living room... and then theres the dog complaint..... when I get there, theres 10 little white puppies running around yipping at whatever puppies yip at... just one thing after antoher. Now on ANY other day, you can sit here in the car and watch paint dry. No a speeder, not a dog loose, not a single call. But not after sir ree...

So anyway, theres court today... we can see how many people wanna fight their ticket. yee yaw.

NOw lets talk about weddings. omg... such a pain in the ass. NO body wants to help the mother of the bride out.... oh they say we will help...but where are they when its time to clean out the cabin? or prepare a wedding album? or do a hundred other things? Where are they at photo time? can they even run an errand for you while you take off work and spend the whole day trying to make this a good memorable wedding experience? no way.... they are so full of shit... and good wishes. I say shit and good wishes can grow any garden.... but doesn't do much for a friendship. If these are the kinds of friends that we have....who needs enemies? At least I know my enemies are not going to do anything for me..... they'll tell me up front....

So you cant count on anyone.... except God and yourself. And God takes His sweet time. Seems His time is perfect or something like I wont go there.

Ive got lots of other things to vent and talk about....but Im trying to go easy and not run off all the invisible fans and readers that are out there lappin  up every word I type on this stupid half size screen. So Ill halt right there.

so remember...even though... the world sucks, you cant count on anyone....and no one cares about you or your wellbeing..... "you are special, you are loved....." uh huh.

Now about the time I get ready to end this rant....and go back to work, itll start raining.

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