Monday, April 21, 2014

easter weekend. perfect.

happy easter invisible people. this is Monday. another early day. get up at 5. at work by six. showered shave and in uniform. thankful for my bride to make me breakfast or I wouldn't get any.

we did easter egg hunts, took pictures, ate easter luncheon...that me and my bride made. we have a vitamix that we are experimenting with.

it was a nice weekend.... weather was just perfect. I got to see both girls...which was special.

im sleepy and drug out. it was a hard tiring weekend. burned abit of wood in the "clay pot".. as I call it. I didn't get to mow the yard, and it was a nice gentle rain. Im guessing itll be ready to mow before sat next day off.

ok falling asleep here...gotta get some coffee. I saw too many easter rabbits, and not enough open jesus tombs.... I got kisses and hugs...from the ones I love... I saw children having fun. I thanked God for breathing... which is more than I could say a few years ago. All in all it was a good weekend. the redbuds are blooming... I saw a cardinal. perfect.

Friday, April 11, 2014

the good turns in life...finally.

good morning world. its been a good week. eventful. from dead bodies to car accidents, to first aid, to traffic tickets... to the ups and downs of married life, to parents aging, in the hospital, and on and on. At least it was not a boring week. I have a new lawn mower! yeah. And I have a new genuine black in color VITAMIX! oh yeah. now im gonna be so freaking healthy. yes I am.

I better do something ..Im about to bust out of these breetches im wearing...

ive been delinquent in writing here lately. the weather is warming up... and getting nicer. were getting some rain, and things are blooming. I guess its spring. finally. who d of thought it would ever arrive.? whew. it was a long winter. I have got to get back to the farm to see what the kids have done.. lol. one can never tell. I know they are mowing the yard, cuz I saw it on fb. ha..

I don't feel very funny...this am. just tired. I could use another cup of coffee. lol. so Ill say God is good, Life is good... its been a good week in general... with a few challenging days. yesterday was good. IT started out well, and ended well. what more can you ask? yay me. yay us. Im thankful for my wife.... with all her quirks and stubbornness, I love her....and I remember how empty my life seemed before her. Although my lifestyle, and my daily doings, have changed completely... I have to say, things are good. things are very good.

Now I am trying a few "doors" to see if they open. Lets see what God will do next! jerimiah 33:3 !! hang on for the ride!! lets make a few good turns in life!

Peace unto you!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

foggy in my mind

Lordy. this morning I am falling asleep here. I had my one cupper of coffee. I hope it does a miracle today. Don't you hate it when you have negative thoughts...and for no basis ... no justification? Maybe its just the fatigue. Cuz I am TIRED. did I mention I was sleepy?
ok bear this in mind just in case one of you invisible people decide to read this crap... that my mind is in a fog.

Today I plan to sit on my butt a lot. oh wait, I do that a lot anyway. I mean I don't feel very productive. Its april 1.... I wonder if there will be an april fools joke today? Wish I could think of something to play on the wife, but hey I can hardly think at all anyway.

I sure hope I get woke up. I wonder why I seem to always have to face "trust issues".? the way I was raised... or my career. Seems I don't trust anyone... for no good reason. ok my eyes are so heavy, and my brain just will not work. im going to go stand outside... or call someone and wake em talk.