Saturday, December 10, 2011

bored out of my mind.

hello December. its very cold at 28 deg. im sitting here in the recliner thinkng how cold my toes are. i have house shoes on... but im too lazy to light the wood stove. thats the thing that warms my toes. I just recline and swivel around to the stove, and my feet are inches from it. very nice. but Ill just leave the infra red heat on... across the room... its not as good. I havent showered, or shaved... and I dont feel like that either. I have tried magic. hey who knows, maybe Im magical. I told the stove to light. it didnt. i waved some theatrical gestures at it. nothing. ugh. Im normal mortal. well maybe abbynormal...well maybe semi abby normal... ok not normal.. but just not magical. I would ve looked so cool in a cape too. I coulda ...oh hell. nevermind.

I wonder if Im the only one that puts off a shower just because I dont wanna be cold. maybe I should consider a small heater back there. hmmm. the g/f is out of town now for so long. im bored to death. I decided not to go dancing last night...i justplayed video games . Im so adventurous. thats me.

well the christmas tree is up. its leaning about 40 deg. i kinda broke one leg that supports it. i think its the last year for this ol tree. it was a good tree. out with the old , in with th enew. it would be nice if I werent so sentimental. I think I need to fire up the ps3 again, and kill something. i need to step on the death machine (eliptical) and work on losing about 15 lbs.  ill start ..tomrrow. today something must die. yeah.

I could paint the office room. I could. uh huh. .

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