Tuesday, November 8, 2011

interesting year

Well it was the worst drought ever in oklahoma history. No rainfall here at my house for over 55 days. not one drop. the ground cracked....ponds dry. the grass died. I sold the cattle. Theres no hay here in the whole state for this winter. Then finally it rained. Its still raining. ..seems it spawned winter tornadoes.... which is unheard of in oklahoma. Tornadoes int he witcha mountains. theyre more like hills to me...but still. Then 28 earthquakes......one of which was 5.6 ...it shook my whole house. And I thought it was my kissing... and now an asteroid the size of a city block thats coming closer then the moon.. tonight!

its been an interesting year. makes you wonder if were gonna see santa this december or what. hmmmm. my propane tank is full, and my wood is cut. its wet, but its cut. I went two steppin last night. first lesson....i have the basic step down fairly well. i even did a turn or two. seems that little blond that is not quite my g/f, knows how to dance very well! thats handy. cooks, dont look bad, kisses good, and now dances well. hmmmm. wonder how she can handle a shovel? hmmm.

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