Saturday, May 28, 2011

happy memorial day...

Today is memorial day weekend. I have never been so bored or lonely ... i did alot of things today to stay busy. It finally got so hot that I decided to turn the AC on. I talked to my ....or.... alot today. I wondered what in the world am I existing for? the day was nice and the evening was too. I did some things outside, and laundry, etc. Tonight I got house fever and went to braums and had french fries and a choc malt. Dip the fries in the ice cream. its really good.  When I got home, I peeked in the window. silly dog was asleep but thankfully not on the furniture. Some watch dog. ha.  If I could make money from recycled dog hair, Id be rich today. i have watched old movies all day on the TCM channel. and poof. here it is...11 pm already. I am going to take my late walk in just a few. the weather is so nice. with a nice breeze. its warm though...its still 80 deg outside! good thing the wind is still blowing. Tomorrow is church. I ve been thinking lately.... i hate it when that happens. dont you? dang it. and i realize tha tI can be a very negative person. I hate being negative. I guess I ve been rather pissed off for the last month.... about things I knew, but just didnt want to accept or admit. So i acted like a troll, and drove off the few people that cared about me. Its apattern of mine. I guess solitary living may be the best thing for me. so stop gripin at the hair troll boy. I think troll man sounds way better. I guess if I can run em off...they werent gonna stay anyway. something marilyn monroe said.....something like IF they cant take me at my worst, they sure as hell dont deserve me at my best. sounds nice...but... not very realistic. sounds abit selfish of you silly woman. course your nevermind. stella found her fav stick today again...she brings it to me almost daily...andwe play this I want you to have, but I dont want you to have it game... and when I ge tit, i throw it, she runs and brings it back. she grins alot. I think she is happy. If I were a dog, Id want to be like her. just a good dog. I miss the sillyness of her sniffing all the time... and that goofy grin. but there are some things I do not miss too. it is good to remember that. makes you wonder...what in th eworld is going on. and like my tumbleweed said... at least my runway is clear now. it was not such a bad day. ihad icecream. i ummm.... had ice cream....and watched some old movies. still doing that. sat nite live is a repeat. I will be a positive happy person. not a repeat of my dad. thanks alot papa.

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