Friday, June 3, 2011

the mood has left...

the wind is blowing here... just like it always does... and the blue sky shimmers through heat waves. Its in the upper 90s today here... and stella is laying asleep at my feet. shes a good dog. I am glad there is something ..that breathes air, that is close by, that at least seems to understand my world. I keep the tv on.... so I can hear the voices. I guess its good that the voices come from the tv and not my teeth. ha. It is so hot, that I have not been very productive...but I have a long list of things I should do. All of which cost me a pretty penny.

i didnt sleep much last night. to many M&ms I guess. so its a slow day today. this evening Ill find soem projects to do. im not sure what to blog about anymore. I guess this may be the last blog. I dont konw. seems the mood to blog has left me.

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