Shadows ...of the past, shadows of the future...sometimes they make sense, and sometimes they just do not. Sometimes they hold you back, or hold you up.. or just mamke ynou wonder wth??
When you think something is permanent, it is not. When you believe but it is just smoke in your eyes.... you just cant accept it. When you think... what an odd combination.....then see it work...I dont know. What I thought was, is not.... and what I thought made no sense...well maybe it does now..
So...anyway....perceptions are just images arranged in certain a certain order. Reality is what happens. Judge a tree by its fruit, not by what you think it is... or see it as.
It is too bad that mistakes or ideas percieved as one thing, was really something else... and that experiencing it, causes some pain, disappointment, and hurt feelings. Just when you see such potential...thats when you see the reality of it. the real fruit. So now, i try to matter what I think I see, or think I feel.... I have to wait. On the fruit. Actions will speak so loud. pay attention to their actions. It is the fruit of who they really are. Maybe if I just dont believe....just stay at a safe distance... it wont be as painful. Then I can really be a hermit. An emotionally long haired, bearded hermit....
At least ...i hope least I can keep a sense of humor while doing it.
So maybe my perceptions are my reality, and reality is different for each person. Kinda like that tree alone in the forest... that thinks its a big stick. umm. well maybe thats not quite right...The capricorn part of me though...says there is one true reality..... and all else is just ....BS. But it seems so real...... while your going thru it.
Today was a nice day, not to hot, and not too windy. I saw all the things I love... almost. I saw lightning, and heard thunder. I saw a pretty blonde woman. I saw deer in the wild. I saw a sunset, and pink colors reflected on soft white clouds. I saw the stars in the black nite sky. I did not see a red bird, a rainbow, or a pot of gold, or an angel. Unless the pretty blonde woman was an angel.
All the things I experienced today were arranged just so.... in my head. recieved by me.. accepted by me.... cherished by me. it was my reality today. whatever it was... I was good today. Tomrrow..... well whe shall see about that.
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