Sunday, August 28, 2011

to be me.

what its like to to feel ...the things I feel and think. I guess this is hwat I have been trying to do...since I started blogging about life. my life... my thoughts... the things that have changed.

I have noted many changes in my life time. From the way people treat each other, from technology progressing. From using "nigger" as a house hold word, to being treated as a minority ... from having a party line and dialing with  a rotary phone... to having a cell that accesses almost everything.

I was sitting yesterday on the patio enjoying a mornign cup of java...and said..."theres my cow"...but it wasnt MY cow....and so i got up and took the 4 wheeler out to check fence lines... all the fences looked good, but MY cow i could not find. maybe mine morphed into a younger one.  maybe I should follow it and see what its drinkin...and drink alittle myself. lol. changed its color...not sure Im up to that...but hey I wouldnt be the future minority either. The triple digit weather has been about 55 days now...and everything is burnt to a crispy crunch. I think the grasshoppers are starving too.  As soon as it breaks...ill finish the house...paint. and start my winter chores. At least I wont have to put out hay. Unless I cant find the lone mysterious cow that tried to kill me when  I loaded the rest of them up. Im keeping a look out for my hotshot prod.... and my trailer is still being repaired. I hired a guy to put the floor in.

My mind has such trouble moving forward...getting bogged down in the past and seemingly stuck. My goal is to figure this my age, I should have learned it by now. but ...short bus dont go there.

This life makes me wonder what things will be like in another 100 yrs. It will be a curious thing. but I will be glad not to be here to watch mankind poison the earth more and more....its like watching your kid make bad decisions....and be too stupid to learn from them.

my blogs are alittle boring lately.... i will either stop altogether....or find something funny to write!

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