Monday, June 29, 2020


so.... using the NEW blog look here... and everything is different... but maybe I have the setting where the "invisible" people can comment now.... huh jenner? are you still invisible?

my silly chickens are doing stupid things... like NO eggs.... and doubling up in a box.... they've never done that before... but they've lost poor Duke... their rooster.... so maybe they are insecure chickens now.  anyway... this is just an experimental  post to see how this new look works...  yay me. 

sometimes you cant go forward and you cant go backward... your just stuck.  don't be stubborn, just go. Or get stuck like this..

the other day I went to count cows and I couldn't find any. I thought..hmmm… this could be aproblem.. but I found then on the far side of the property. they  never go there... so I wondered what was up? I counted 4 more than I was supposed to have... and discovered 3 young bulls and one new calf I didn't know I was going to have....  the  young bulls have returned.... but I need to do some fencing!  if I can figure out how to get the calf pic from phone to here...Ill be back in business again~!

hope to post more soon...

1 comment:

Jenner said...

Visible. Looks like it is fixed.