Friday, April 8, 2016

walks, movies, dinner! its date night for oldies!

date night! its so exciting.... it happens every Friday night. When we were dating, I so looked forward to date night.! I was determined to continue the excitement, and continue date night on Friday nights when possible. Tonight , our choices were to take a walk around the park, have a campfire, roast some wieners, and watch netflex, or go and eat, and make a movie. I looked on the movie menu and decided our option would be Batman vs Superman. My wifes favorite kind of flick. uh huh.

this is where the fun began! We decided at the last moment to take Scout, our faith ful little dog. He was excited for the first little hitch of the walk, then pam decided to take the long route instead of the short one, and me and Scout started limping. Ok I limped. But he breathed real hard. That's when pam remembered that I had a blister on my little toe from walking so much at work. and I picked cotton while I did it too. just like when we were kids walking to school. but that is another story. So l finished the walk with bloody feet. and then we decided to come home and get ready for the movie.

Pam was all dressed up,  and I changed shirts, but kinda forgot to change pants and work boots (which I walked around the park in) and it was pointed out that my jeans had bleached out places in them...and btw why didn't I dress up too? oops.  So we made the movie. Got there early. The ticket guy was amused when we realized "someone" had the wrong movie time. oops! so pam whipped out her popcorn box that was refillable when he told her that it was only refillable on that day..only. Wrong box for the "anytime refill". Oops!. There went dinner. ugh. so... we walked to Hastings, and rented a movie. I checked to make sure the right movie was in it! We ordered bean burritos with hot sauce and got bean burritos with hardly any beans in it. with mild sauce.  ugh. sore feet walking, no movie, no popcorn, cold burritos, ... now lets take a crack at this rented movie and see if we can make it to the bed without sleeping on the remote that changes bed positions that wakes us up in the sitting position. oops.

ok...I just discovered I cant get the ps3 to work so I cant play the blu ray disc. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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