Wednesday, March 19, 2014

hurry hurry rather be a good dog.

its another windy windy day in Oklahoma. SE Oklahoma is an ever changing place. its one of the fascinating parts of living here. y ou really never can tell w hat the weather is going to be. Yesterday finally picked up, and I made a few stops. It was nice to have the boredom broken up... I helped an old man that ran out of gas right in the middle of the state highway in an intersection. Boy was he backing up traffic. we pushed the truck out to the shoulder... and I gave him a ride back to his other truck where he could go get some gas. He said...boy  you guys are sure nice...yesterday I locked myself out of my truck and that other officer got it unlocked for me. lol. He did not have a good couple of days. maybe today will be a better day for him.

It was a nice evening last night... But I notice I am not getting a lot done due to a lack of energy after I get home.  working 10 days may interfere with my lawn care this summer when the grass gets to going. I have already noticed that there is grass growing around the pool area so I need to get on that this weekend.

today is 39 degrees...with a high of about 65. I wore long sleeves... I hope that wasn't a mistake. Life is good but very busy. That is a good thing. Im learning to live with all the clutter and stuff stacked up and around. Im hoping that after a couple of weddings are over....ha.... that we can really start to organize and clean up. Im really hoping to get that garage built.... hoping......

Goals are like that...your not happy until you achieve them, and then once you do... you just cant help just have to set another one. lol. humans are the most unsatisfied creatures ever. Id rather be a dog with a good home....and just lounge around and play and be happy. woof woof.

so anyway...that's about all I have to say today... Heres to good happy dogs. Miss ya Sparky!

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