well its snowing. yes...snowing. yesterday was in the 50s. today its snowing. freaking oklahoma. will rogers said it best...."if you dont like the weather...just wait a minute".. ugh. Im sure that crazy ol cow.. which was dubbed "ruth ann", will surely love it knowing she has no hay. I bet that stupid butthole wishes she wouldve loaded with the rest of her buddies, instead of trying to kill me. but no... so this is what she gets. anyway, itllb e past and melted by end of tomrrow.
thomas the cat is not dead. he has returned to the house a few times, and then goes off again. He is still looking fat, and looks healthy. I guess his ninja practices in the field ...sneaking up on invisble enemies and pouncing on bugs has sharpened his skills and now he hunts nation wide. if anyone sees a pretty black and white tom cat, dont shoot him. he has one knarled up ear for some unknwon reason, but is very affectionate.
Thank God for the wood stove, and I hope He will now send a nice pretty woman to me EACH night for a life time. itll help if she can cook, and float my boat to the top too. It seems the fun loving woman I am dating now ...does not really want to make changes in her life and go forward to something more permanent. I dont think changes at my age is an easy thing. I dont want someone walking in, and stacking stff on the snack bar day after day, until itl looks like hoarders live here. it would drive me nuts. so God..please dont make her a hoarder either. make her organized. and neat. yeah. I could lise some other things..but Im sure HE knows already.
well im falling asleep here. so thats its. let us sew aht monday brings. today was hard... and slow. sundays always are. I felt the need to slow down and connect to God somehow several times today. I am prayerful for those in my past whom I have loved, that they are happy, and healthy. what more could I ask for them?
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