Tuesday, March 8, 2011

valley week.

well its been a rough few days. said a good bye to some special people... and my dog died too. rough week. yes ol sparkys done went and played with a moving truck. I got him all scooped up and buried out  in the pasture. Its a much quieter home now...im still thinking i can glue all the hair he lost in the house, and maybe make a whole nother dog. I also emailed an old lover.... and told her id can finally be "just friends" with her.. and was told...i dont think so. sigh. hard to believe i used to pray with her morning and nite over the phone, and love her with all my heart. now throw in one little disturbance at work...and you got my week.

wish I could find my tumbleweed .... but lately there is not been one ....

I had a birthday dinner with my oldest today. im so proud of her.

i am just to tired to get too deep or write too much. but i can say this ....in all that has happened this week, i miss one sexy peaceful voice in my ear. but for reasons I cannot go into here, i cannot hear her now. but I miss her words. I hope her worlds is more at peace now...then it was the last time i heard her voice.  Some people can write so well...and speak so well. I can write and speak, but ... just from a slow boring country life point of view.
mama said thered be days like this..thered be days like this...days like this.....


WindRider said...

nothing boring about country life or you
nothing exciting about the fast lane only looks that way & looks can be deceiving....
mmm a praying man
now that is not boring!

Prairie Girl said...

She misses you too...

Peace, finding and keeping it, is not an "outside" job... a person's peace cannot come from/or be lost by someone else..not even someone they care about deeply... They have to take care and set boundaries themselves.. But sometimes if they wait to long to speak, or maybe don't know what they need, it doesn't come out perfectly..

Only you can decide...If their good outweighs their flaws or imperfections...if they were worth the effort it takes to reach through the soup to get to the good stuff...