Thursday, September 29, 2016

whats comin next??

I was walking by and saw this rooster on top the dog pen. Now the dog and the rooster are good buddies. Sometimes they even sleep together. I know right... but they do. I can never hate the sound of a rooster crowing. Sounds like music to my ears. Unless he stands by the back door and screams his head off.  I was thinkin..."what in the world are you doing up there"? Then I wondered what I might see if I was a rooster on a dog pen. I guess Id see things a tad differently. Like.... hey you have a bald spot on your head....or....whew...that breeze went right up my feathers...

I ve been working on the "tiny house" for way to long now. almost a year. I sorely underestimated that project! the wife started calling my small living quarters I'm building in the new shop, the "tiny house". It has a small bathroom, and its 7ft x 25 ft. I learned a lot about what NOT to do when building something like this. you know...little things... like putting the rafters dead center. seems those few inches are really important. My life is like that I guess. ugh. The things I didn't think so much of sometimes turns out to be very important. geesh. Somebody (up there) that's in charge, needs to cut me some slack! (lightning bolt!!).  I suppose its what your thinking, and how you think it when you. Like the rooster....(bald head thoughts or breezy feather thoughts) does.

Someday Ill have this silly thing done... and then I can move on to the next project. yeah. I am still trying to get on here more often, but regular life and work keeps me so busy I can hardly do it anymore. But I'm learning to grab photos from google and my phone backs its pics in google. so .  I'm kinda boring not a lot to say. I went to work today, but only made a couple hours then my stomach started cramping. crap.. it hurt all  day long. I came home did the runny run runs a bit, and then crashed on the bed all day.  I ate crackers all day. ugh. no wait, I had a can of chicken n noodles when my lovely bride came home for lunch. bless her little heart. I'm glad I now have a help mate that will do that for me. I used to just lay in the floor at home.... no one knew the difference.  This marriage thing has been challenging to say the least... oh hell, its been freakin hard.  The first two years I nearly killed us both daily. Now its once a month, and I learned to roll with her punches.  There was a lot of "growth", which is code for yelling kickin and screamin. But its settling down now. Itll be 3 years now come jan 1.  Things have changed ....I had a grandson, a heart attack, and who knows what else ... I guess God knows whats comin next.