Hello peeps. if there was ever anyone out there. Today is bright and sunny and a high of 91 deg. gonna be warmish. things here are about back to some kind of normalcy. I just made that word up... im good like that. One kid is in Europe visiting Germany, etc... and the other wont leave the house. sometimes I wonder if they are sisters.
still have the same job... and plugging along. Just got over a little surprise surgery...seems my appendex wanted out. And can you believe it didn't even weigh an oz?? youd think after all that, I would have lost like....5 lbs? but no..
Did the reunion thing...lake thing. how stressful! geesh. remind me NOT to do that again next year.
Right when you think things are stable.....things blow up it seems. Im glad there is one stable thing in my life that does not change. Im glad He loves me no matter what... He sure made me some pretty clouds to look at today.
the honeybees are doing ok as far as I know. Im hoping to look into the hive on the weekend. if possible.
Ill catch all yall later.... I need to settle down, and accept what is coming... after all, it is His plan. Sounds easy don't it? Trust.... well. its something you must display...through your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. If your fretting....worried....upset..... then your not trusting. What will be will be. His plan. put my best foot forward...trip, stumble...get up.... and know He wanted me to fall in that direction. Cuz He knows me. others would just walk that way, but not me. I fall that way. graceful I am.
later invisible peeps.