Thursday, November 24, 2011

thanksgiving 2011

thanksgiving 2011. it was an interesting holiday. this is the first time ever in my life, that I was not with any family at all. seems mom decided to do this day in a cabin in colorado with sissy, and who knows where brother is. The girls are with their mom and her folks. So dear precious pamM decided to feel sorry for me and invted me to be with her folks. It was a huge gathering of several families at a home in the country. Somehow... day before yesterday I hurt my hip. yes my stupid hip. I think i pinched anerve. it is very painful, and I limp terribly... so when I went, i pumped up with ibprofen...which dulled it, but I still had a slight limp. Thats always better (slight rather then terrible limp) when your carrying someone elses pies to the truck because your the "young and strong one".. those 80 yr olds can still whip out a great pie.. i guess I can carry them to the truck. so i went, and watched... and tried not to fall down. I did well. i was on my best behavior and didnt grope the g/fs ass even once. well maybe once.  but no one saw.

Im not sure how ones hip can hurt so..when  you didnt do anything to hurt it. It must take one tough sob to grwo old gracefully. I think I will grow old....kicking and clawing someones eyes out. probably my nurse or home health care person.  Surely I did somethng special to hurt like this... like throw a bad guy over my hip and put a secret ninja move on his ass. hmmmm. or maybe I rescued burning building or soemthing. yeah. I like that. Im waiting to hear from someone important about getting a medal or soemthing. Maybe it was when i lifted that JD tractor tire rim into the truck. Im sure glad I figured out what to use tha tfor... a very nice fire have a nice campfire in and roast weenies in. and then that bear attacked, and I threw him over my hip into the fire and we ate roasted bear. and I saved the whole group. and uh...the big group of boyscouts that was just down the uh.. road... that the bear...oh. hell. nevermind.

ok. i will provide TG dinner tomrrwo for the girls, which of course will be at the local cafe. I think ill lay down on this new carpet for ab it....and hope that I can get up. Ive found that I now know what coffee tables are really for. They are just the right height to pull up on, crawl up... and stand up... when you cant otherwise get up. it should be called a get up table. or ...something like that.

I may take my walk, but I hear the wind blowing. that would be just right huh? gettinb blown off my feet, and cant get up. maybe I should get papa's old cane. He would laugh at that. I have a nicer home then I had last year. I have more peace then I had last year. I have more hope, and more insight. I also have less trust, and few expectations. im not sure if that is bad or good. I have good health, an income... and a few internet friends... maybe even a few real life ones. I thank God for these things. I will try not to blame others for their stupid decisions, that affect me. Is almost time to say goodbye to this year... and look down the road for the next one. but not quite. I dont know where this rollercoaster is headed... but im hangin on... Im not prayin Jerimiah 33:3... not feeling that adventurous.. ill just hang on to the ride im on now.

I hope i can limp gimp my fat self to bed.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

furniture and memories.

Memories. isnt it funnyhow they return to you? at the most unexpected times, they make you slow down. they make you think. remember. you feel things when they come. sometimes it is warm and fuzzy. sometimes it is sad. sometimes happiness and laughter. but they do something to you dont they? Ive found that there are many types of "triggers", that can do this... recently I have had to move furniture around, as Im getting new carpet. Im not nearly done, and have zero help. but nothing for a big stepper like me... but the thing is, it brought to my heart and mind, memories of a time past, when we moved things around... to paint the house. I remember vividly. A slow dance in the living room. paint on her nose. smiles, and a butt chewing for stepping in the paint. I learned how to paint though. a mixed set of emotions and feelings. who would have thought. simply moving furniture. I swear some men are such saps. sentimental foolishness.  wouldnt it be much better if one could delete this silly sentimental crap? and feel nothing. just a simple memory w/o the feelings, or passion would serve me much better. but I do enjoythe smile it brings to my face, even if it accompanies a tear. (something in my eye, allergies probably).

so the big question of the day.... can I move the tv and stand.? will it survive. oh its gonna get moved. but I think the tv weighs more then the tv stand is rated for...and Im not sure either will survive the move. itll be a huge mess if it doesnt. and a new tv too. ugh.

so heres to furniture moved. and smiles of the past. I slow danced alone in that very spot today. well.. ok i stood there and remembered. i danced in my mind. ha. and I was good too dang it. I better stop there, or I may never get out of my mind!

its nice to have a place to write yoru thoughts out. this time Ill be sure and not push the stupid fb button. ha. A time in the past... of paint, tape, furniture moved. and a dance with a dream that didnt really exist... except within me. a sweet moment. savor it. feel it. accept it. now. where the heck am I putting this recliner?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

interesting year

Well it was the worst drought ever in oklahoma history. No rainfall here at my house for over 55 days. not one drop. the ground cracked....ponds dry. the grass died. I sold the cattle. Theres no hay here in the whole state for this winter. Then finally it rained. Its still raining. ..seems it spawned winter tornadoes.... which is unheard of in oklahoma. Tornadoes int he witcha mountains. theyre more like hills to me...but still. Then 28 of which was 5.6 shook my whole house. And I thought it was my kissing... and now an asteroid the size of a city block thats coming closer then the moon.. tonight!

its been an interesting year. makes you wonder if were gonna see santa this december or what. hmmmm. my propane tank is full, and my wood is cut. its wet, but its cut. I went two steppin last night. first lesson....i have the basic step down fairly well. i even did a turn or two. seems that little blond that is not quite my g/f, knows how to dance very well! thats handy. cooks, dont look bad, kisses good, and now dances well. hmmmm. wonder how she can handle a shovel? hmmm.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Healthy Livin..

Ive been thinkin. I hate it when that happens. Sometimes I smell something burning. I think I smell it after I start thinking..but hey, it could be before. Youll have to ask the little green man. (thats another blog yet to come). That bastage seems to know everything. So at 50 yrs of age, and all this disease and body parts wearin out and so forth, I decided maybe I should eat more healthy. Now I know that chocolate has kept me alive, and that its an undiscovered health food group of its own, but..I thought.... green.... something natural. Something grown. God gives it life, it must be good. So I went to the suckyourmoney/lifeouttayou store, and looked. Produce. yeah. ok. all kinds of stuff. i saw celery. ive heard of celery. but I didnt know how to cut it up....but then presto! I saw a bag of it already cut up! I got that. youc ant go wrong with all natural healthy stuff that comes right from the ground. WELL... I dont know if this particular stalk of celery grew out of a shit pile...or if it was cursed by the creator...but it did NOT taste good. But I was determined. So ifigure... one of those celerythingys per day.... no matter how bad. the first two days...well. i drank diet pop to wash it down. it was terrible. but now, the third day...