Sunday, October 30, 2011

halloweenie 2011

halloweenie...woo hoo. the only time of year a grown man can dress like anything stupid and act even stupider...and no one even flinches. its true...I tested it... they dont even bat an eye. and sometimes they even take pictures of you! They call it.. Halloween (for adults). no apple bobbing.. or "fishing" for prizes.. its more like a live band, and every body gets toasted on their ass, and by the 3 rd hour, they really think they can dance! Its the best entertainment ever!  So I got me a pretty date, dressed like a knight. I carefully chose this costume, becuase as Captn America, I would have roasted, and it unzipps from the BACK... which means you better hope you dont have to go pee! Have  you any idea what happens when Capt America goes to the bathroom, and he asks some guy to unzip him? not good. not good. So this year, the knight. its not to hot...didnt sweat to much, and I can pee alone. I blended in well. I improved on my 2 steppin abilities... and only stepped on her toes twice. ok three times. I discreetly stole all the tootsie rolls from all the tables... (hell they were drunk and didnt know it) and watched the cheap entertaiment. One FAT woman pirate... one long haired guy in while with a top hat... and lots of others. but i especially enjoyed the hired help who were young and wore little short thingys that drove all male minds instantly crazy. One even bent over...arched her back..and someone took her picture while someone else raised her skirt from behind! I couldnt 2 step stumble bumble run flat assed fast enough to get my own or see what she was wearing under there... but..uh.... it did short my brain out for about ...say....3 hours. I had to slap myself 4 times to become conscious... ok 3 times. my date slapped me at least once. But after that I was semi normal...and we danced away.

In the end..I it was good cheap entertainment, and I saved a damsel in distress. I swear I did too. I saved her better then errol freakin flynn I did. Now the costumes are put up... and I m back to normal...well semi normal .... and ready for antoher owrk day. so the words of my childhood...... trigger treat. I always wondered how that stupid horse held a bag of candy.

Friday, October 28, 2011

the inbetween time...

the nite is cooler..almost crisp. and it is wet outside. Its that know... that special time.. in between being awake, and going to bed. The hardest time of all. To cease to exist for a few moments... to avoid life, and all thoughts. To stop feeling, and simply drift into nothingness. When  you wonder so many things... things of the day, things of yesterday....and of many yesterdays. Its a heavy kind of meloncholy time. A time that makes me restless.....a time that makes me walk.... a walk in the almost any weather.... to clear my mind. a mind that ...seems to never be clear. ha.  So I look at the stars. I talk to God. I cant think about the future during this special time. I am not sure what to call it... the "in between time".  not able to relax, but not able to continue. the body is tired, but the spirit restless. something inside speaks..or tries to.... and sitting here typing on this stupid thing seems to help me somehow.

somehow...things seem to go on anyway. just on and on.... someday they wont I guess. goodnite world.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

country hunger .....not to be confused with "world hunger"

I keep wondering what that knawing feeling is in the pit of my stomach. I dont have time to deal withthat. So I ate another cheese sandwiche. and used the last two pieces of bread. Youd be surprised at how long you can go w/o going to the dreaded wally word money sucker store cuz you have to buy food place. not to worry, i have bottled water. I heard you could live on water for a long long time. Besides, i have 197 lbs to live off of. When / if I get down to say...190....ill start to wonder if I should go to the suckmedry wal-fart store to wander aimlessly up and down the isles. Once I had to call 911 cuz I got lost in there for about 3 days. I had teeth marks on the canned foods. yes its a superstore and its always freakin open. sucking the life out of regular folks. I still have some cans of soup in there. that would require getting up, opening can, heating contents...and the real kicker.... a bowl. you see you cant eat soup on a paper plate. makes a real freakin mess. so that means have to wash a bowl. see the problem? its growing... I have some other foods, but they are dated 2005 or something like that. the sack of potatoes is...well. we dont open that drawer in the ice box anymore. its better left shut. you cant eat it anyway...whats the use in ...well. see the problem? This is called "country hunger". Someday people like me will be on the tv... asking you to give a few cents...daily... and itll buy me a corndog. oh. I ate the last corndog a few days ago. ButI still have ketchup. and choc chips for emergencies. I have choc syrup too. but no milk to mixi with, and no ice cream. Lord no ice cream for forever. I can bite the block of cheese....and leave teeth marks. its more fun then slicing it... or HEY!! I could eat a can of something out of the can! IF it is not more then 5 yrs old. I think.. I ate tuna dated 2008... but did not die. so it must be ok. I have half a jug of grapefruit juice. I have a grill. I have a crock pot. ugh. and go to the money pit that drains me completely. I will have an emergency plan in effect beforehand. One locater, one credit card, a diagram with exit signs clearly marked....and a cell phone for urgent "is this good to eat/buy/fix" calls. do I have YOUR number??

country hunger. I feel light headed. where oh where is a good woman that will cook me something? Is there a God ?? ( okok i know there is but ...send her!) Ok i am rambling....its the first of "country hunger". write to me if you need an address where to send  your .25 cents.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

With some prjects completed, and others still being born, just out of reach., I have managed to stay busy and not let the sounds of my own wheels drive me crazy. A friend printed off all of these blogs for me.. (thank you Linda) and i have them all in a nice little folder. For some reason, she thought they were important. I sit here watching the north front blow my new American flag over my new sidewalk. And I know that if I make enough changes, that the memories of times past will slowly distort and change. and who knows...maybe even disappear. When I look out at it, from my fatboy recliner, I seem to have some kind of hope. I guess any variety of hope is a good thing right? I mean... its better to have garden variety hope, then none at all I think. So I watch it. And I watch time go by day by day. I have lots of free time it seems, even though I have completed many projects this year.  I watch the sunsets roll in, and once in a while even the sunrises ... I enjoy a coffee, maybe an ocassional pipe smoke...(I.Q. flavor), and I am thankful that I can witness daily miracles. I hear laughter, and note the way she can laugh, at things that are just not funny! lol. I does she do it? I see deer during my walks, that stand there, knowing who and what I am, but not caring...thinking..."whats that farm boy up to.. oh. no gun. sniff sniff. but the stinks."  I see life living, and growing, and I see my own face growing older day by day. I have not cut my hair in a while, and the grayness is quite noticeable. maybe Ill be one of those old men with a hat and long hair. ha. It is of course, almost "no shave november".. and Im getting a head start on that too. I try to not let the little things in life disappoint me. and lets face it. most of the things that do , are little things. In 10 yrs... they will mean nothing... much less 10,000 years.  I date. I pray. I seek God. And I am better. I am stronger. and maybe  life will be good. maybe even better. I will allow it... and recieve it, if God will send it.

Finally a tumble weed..... its about time. Remind me to write about how I buried electric wire to power the shop with...and kinda sorta buried the wrong wire. But I did not set anything on fire. This time.

Let us continue the course....

If this thing lets me post...maybe I will post some more later.